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Beware of threatening calls from imposters who pose as MidAmerican Energy employees and demand immediate payment for utility bills that they claim are past due. Most scammers threaten to shut off your power unless you pay immediately by phone with a prepaid debit card. Mid American says they will always send a disconnect notice in the mail and attempt to call you to make a payment or set up payment arrangements before disconnecting your service. The method of payment is up to you.
Scam calls may appear legitimate because callers manipulate caller ID to display the MidAmerican Energy name along with a phone number. If you receive a suspicious call like this – hang up. Do not call back the number that appears on your caller-ID display, even if you think it might be legitimate. Then, notify MidAmerican Energy of a scam by reporting it online or calling 888-427-5632. If you feel threatened by a caller or visitor claiming to work for MidAmerican Energy, report it to your local law enforcement.
Who is at risk?
Any customer, business or property manager could be targeted by scammers. Small businesses are targeted by scammers more frequently than residential customers. The elderly and customers who do not speak fluent English are more likely to be victims of scams. If you or someone you care about falls into these groups, take extra caution.
Follow these steps to stay safe:
- Hang up if you suspect a scam or feel threatened.
- Do not pay if you’re asked to pay immediately or with a specific type of payment like a prepaid debit card. Remember, MidAmerican Energy accepts many forms of payment. We will never ask you to pay with a specific type of payment by phone and we cannot accept payments at your door.
- Ask anyone suspicious claiming to work for MidAmerican Energy to display their company badge.
- Check your latest bill or My Account for your balance. Scammers make up fake balances, you can easily spot a scam by knowing what your balance is.
- Sign up for past due bill reminders and payment confirmation emails in My Account. You’re less likely to fall for a scam when you know you’ve paid your bill.