106-Year-Old Woman Credits A Yuengling A Day For Long Life

When someone reaches an impressive age, one of the first things they’re asked is what they give credit to for their long life. Margaret Dilullo, a 106-year-old Pennsylvania woman, had no hesitation when asked; she says having a Yuengling lager every day helps “keep her young.”

When the Yuengling Brewery heard about Margaret, they sent her a truckload of their lager, saying they wanted to show their appreciation for her support over the years. As for Margaret, she did what anyone would do when a free truckload of their favorite alcoholic beverage shows up; she invited friends over to share it.

Gotta say, I ALSO love Yuengling...I even have some in my fridge that my son brought home when he traveled out east. I also love all of the beers from New Glarus, Leinenkugel's, Miller, Pabst, Bent River Brewing...it's a pretty long list. And...YEAH, they ALSO have allowed me to live a long life. You know, if any of 'em want to send over a truckload full of their beer.........

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