Are You Ready For A Mickey Mouse Horror Movie?

Photo: Getty Images

There's already a horror movie currently in the works using the likeness of Winnie-The-Pooh, which is now considered to be in the public domain,. Unless Disney gets a ruling in their favor, Mickey Mouse might soon see a similar fate. Mickey made his debut in 1928’s “Steamboat Willie.” Back then, copyright laws allowed Disney to keep the character protected for 56 years. Before the expiration expired in 1984, Disney was able to successfully lobby for a stay of protection boosted to 75 years, and later to 96 years. Now, a Missouri Senator is on a mission to call out “corporate wokeness” by rolling it back to 96 years back to 56, which would make Mickey Mouse, and other iconic characters, public domain and fair game.

And, if you think we're making this's the trailer for the Winnie The Pooh horror flick. And, yes, it looks VERY low budget...

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