Man Breaks Into Iowa Home, Straightens Up The Place And Watches Woman Sleep

Photo: EyeEm

Iowa Man Arrested After Breaking Into Woman's House And Watching Her Sleep: A man in Iowa has been nabbed after breaking into a woman’s home and doing some light organizing while watching her sleep. The woman, who didn’t want to be identified, says she woke up from sleeping on the couch when the man bumped her knee. She says she immediately asked him who he was, to which he answered, “I’m the guy who dropped you off last night.” The woman added, “At that point, I knew he wasn’t a friend of the kids or anything.” The man has been ID’d as 23-year-old Dan Abimana and many questions remain about why he entered the house, lined up some shoes next to the couch, and then made off with a pair of the woman’s socks. Abimana is now facing two counts of trespassing.

Florida Man Falls Through Ceiling While Hiding From The Cops: A man in Cape Coral, Florida has been arrested after falling through the roof of the homeowner’s ceiling. Dylan Alexander Flore, 28 years old, sought refuge at his sister’s house when he found out there was a warrant out for his arrest. His sister, remembering her mother’s dying wish to look out for Dylan, allowed him to hide out with her. But when law enforcement arrived, things got turned up a notch. Police used pepper spray, a K-9 unit and a water hose to get Dylan down and after about four hours, he finally crashed through the ceiling where he was promptly arrested. Flore was found with a clear glass tube in his pocket which is known to be used for smoking drugs. He was taken to Cape Coral Hospital for evaluation and was taken directly to Jail after his health was cleared.

Fiscal Manager Popped For Stealing $340K In Funds To Buy Exotic Animals: A fiscal officer in Vinton Township, Ohio has been nabbed after stealing almost $340,000 from his office, where he spent the cash on some unconventional items. Cyril Vierstra used the money to buy things like a snow cone machine, a gazebo, hot tubs (plural), a drum set, and…owls and a wildebeest. The animals (and possibly the other items) were purchased to spiff up an exhibit at his roadside zoo. He has been sentenced to 59 months in prison, plus at least 18 months - and up to three years - of “mandatory post-release control”. But that’s not all. Vierstra has also been ordered to pay back the giant chunk o’ change he stole.

Woman Nabbed For Trying To Kill Friend With Poison Cheesecake: A woman in Brooklyn has been found guilty of attempted murder after trying to feed her friend a cheesecake laced with poison. Viktoria Nasyrova, 47 years old, admitted to prosecutors that since the victim, Olga Svyk, looked so much like her and also spoke Russian, she was hoping to steal Svyk’s identity and go back to Russia. Luckily, Svyk vomited and hallucinated after eating the dessert, but didn’t die. Svyk said in the courtroom Wednesday, "For her, it was an easy thing to try and take the life of another person. It was an easy thing to gain the trust of another person." Nasyrova has been sentenced to 21 in prison for the attempt on Svyk’s life.

Marathon Runner Caught Relieving Himself In Someone's Yard: A man running the Boston Marathon was caught “fertilizing someone’s grass” in the middle of the 26.2-mile run. A video posted online shows the participant walking to a remote corner of a resident’s front lawn, pulling down his pants, and squatting. However, a few seconds into the video, someone walks down the home’s front path and takes notice of the “party pooper”. The man, who appeared to be the homeowner, posted the doorbell footage to Reddit with the caption, “One of the marathon runners just took a **** in my yard (video inside).” Though toilets are reportedly located at every water and medical station along the route, the runner appeared to prefer going al fresco.

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