ABATE Of Iowa District 15 Two Wheel Trauma Class

Spring is coming and motorcycles will be out and about soon! ABATE OF IOWA-D15 will host a Two Wheel Trauma Class this SATURDAY, MARCH 19 at the Genesis Heart Institute in Davenport, Iowa.

Over 50% of all motorcycle crashes will result in serious injury or fatality. EMS providers must be prepared to assess the crash scene, prevent rescuer injury and accurately triage & treat the injured. The Two Wheel Trauma concept was fashioned in early 1986 by three experienced EMS providers in rural Clay County, IA. Anita Bailey, Slider Gilmore and Frank Prowant saw the need for a specialized CEH program to focus on motorcycle trauma. Wayne Wierson, an avid motorcyclist, joined the faculty in 2005 to present Share the Road. Visit www.twowheeltrauma.com for detailed instructor biographies.

The Two Wheel Trauma program intends to reduce fatalities and improve the survival rates for those injured in crashes involving motorcycles, bicycles, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and other vehicles of similar designs, through prevention and education.

At the conclusion of the program the participant shall be able to:

1. Explain the Share the Road program goal of encouraging all drivers, of all vehicles, to safely interact with motorcycles on the roadways to prevent crashes.

2. Identify motorcycle parts, including the associated hazards and injury potential.

3. List two principles for on-scene crowd management.

4. Select correct treatments for environmental, extremity and soft tissue injuries.

5. Choose proper treatments for life-threatening injuries that result from TWT crashes.

6. List when and how to remove a helmet.

All levels of currently certified/licensed EMS providers, nursing personnel, chiropractors, firefighters and law enforcement are encouraged to attend.

There is no tuition charged due to the generous support of ABATE of Iowa, ABATE D-15, D-21, D-24, Blackhawk ABATE, Legion Riders Post 154, Mid-American Energy, Genesis Health System, Hoker Trucking, Clinton Harley Davidson and Chief Blackhawk Antique Motorcycle Club.

TO PRE-REGISTER: EMAIL YOUR NAME, CERTIFICATION OR LICENSE NUMBER & THE LOCATION YOU WISH TO ATTEND TO: twowheeltrauma@hotmail.com Donations Accepted and can Register at the Door but, we prefer pre-registration. Contact: BILL GILLESPIE eyethatcycle@yahoo.com OR twowheeltrauma@hotmail.com 563-570-1270 --

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