“Avengers: Endgame” is finally here, and fans are freaking out on Twitter. But not about what you might think.No spoilers, I promise. The movie is a whopping three hours long, so there’s one big question on fans’ minds right… when they’ll get a chance to go to the bathroom. Some are thinking of taking a no-drinking approach (which we don’t condone – hydrate, people!) and others are getting their best running shoes ready for when the moment comes. I haven't seen the movie, personally...but here's some options is you REALLY need to go...
Option 1 –About a half-hour into the movie, you’ll see a title slate that says “San Francisco.”At that point, you’ll seeScott Langputting together plot points you likely already knew, so you won’t miss too much.
Option 2 –An hour into the movie, there’s a lunch scene that’s funny, but it’s your best 15-minute window to take a leak, or more, if you’re so inclined.
Option 3 –If you’re a fan of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts as a couple, then their conversation scene just over an hour into the movie won’t be your best window…but if you choose to go during this spot, you won’t miss much.
Option 4 –This is your LAST chance…so make the most of it. When you see the “New Jersey” title slate, make it happen because you don’t want to miss anything in the last hour.