Photo: Arrollado, Jean (uploader)
Photo: Arrollado, Jean (uploader)
Spoiler alert…a holiday weekend means spiking gas prices, and, in some cases, possible shortages. More people are traveling, which, of course, leads to higher demand. That’s simply basic economics. The problem is that there’s still a massive shortage of tanker truckdrivers, and 20-25% of the trucks are sitting idle…so, in some parts of the country, there’s no way to get the gas to stations that need it. The shortage of drivers can reportedly be blamed on two things, first the pandemic led some drivers to simply retire. Secondly, with fewer people driving cars last year, truck drivers turned to other forms of driving to make a living…and they’ve stuck with it. Meanwhile, finding new drivers has become struggle. Source:CNN
As for cheap gas prices in the Quad Cities...
According to Gas Buddy, on the Iowa Side, Sam's and Costco have gas at $2.63 a gallon...Kwik Shop is at around $2.75...the cheapest is at the Star gas station on 35th and Harrison at $2.58 a gallon. On the Illinois side, Gasland on 7th Avenue in Rock Island has the cheapest at $2.95. Everyone else is over $3 a gallon...