Halloween is just around the corner and the COVID-19 situation has a lot of people wondering how to handle the traditional ‘Trick or Treat’ handouts that we are all accustomed to. And on top of that, the CDC doesn’t even recommend celebrating Halloween.
One way to do a socially distanced candy delivery system is a candy chute consisting of taping together empty rolls of napkins (or aluminum foil, etc.) with optional decorations.. When a trick-or-treater approaches, just send some candy down the chute. Sounds easy enough, right?
Unfortunately, it won’t work for everyone—what if you don’t have steps leading to your front door or live in an apartment? Are you supposed to wait outside for the trick-or-treaters? If you don’t they will have to ring your doorbell and that defeats the social distance requirement! Sounds like this idea will work for some folks and not for others, so give it some thought for your particular situation.
Source:Guilty Eats